Nature Crazy's Top 8 Tips For Reversing ALS / Lou Gehrig’s Disease


Emerging scientific evidence has shown that ALS can be prevented, delayed, and completely reversed. In today's video we'll be sharing Nature Crazy's 8 exclusive recommendations that can help you naturally reverse ALS and get your body back to a point of health. 1. Supplement with 10 to 20 mg of Lithium Orotate daily. An Italian study at the University of Pisa revealed that the trace mineral lithium carbonate could significantly slow the progression of ALS. The neuroprotective effects of lithium rely on the fact that it modulates several homeostatic mechanisms involved in neurotrophic response and autophagy. 2. Supplementing with the antioxidant Vitamin E on a regular daily basis is a great idea because there is growing evidence of its role in health and disease. A study found that regular use of vitamin E supplements was associated with a lower risk of dying of ALS and the results of the study also suggested there is a connection between vitamin E supplementation and ALS prevention. 3. Supplementing with a heavy metal detoxifier like Humifulvate on an ongoing regular basis will be very helpful in your recovery because mercury and other heavy metals actually play a large part in a bountiful amount of neurodegenerative diseases and ALS is no exception. a study found that elevated levels of inorganic mercury are found in these patients versus unaffected people so a regular detox routine to keep mercury and other heavy metals low in our bodies is an excellent way to stop and reverse these disorders and diseases. 4. Supplementing with Iodine regularly will also help chelate heavy metals such as aluminum and also support your thyroid function so it’s a win win supplement for those suffering from ALS. In adults, excessive aluminum build up can cause neural issues resembling Alzheimer’s, and has been linked to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to the Guamanian variant, ALS-PDC. We recommned working up to 5 drops daily. 5. Mitochondria are the power generating parts of all cells and brain tissue. They help our muscles to function properly but in people with ALS these intracellular power plants malfunction which in turn causes the cells and nerve tissue to degenerate. Supplementing with Co-enzyme Q10 is a good idea because it supports mitochondrial function and could potentially be useful in slowing or even stopping this progressive illness. 6. Supplement with a combination of Curcumin and Trans-resveratrol on a regular basis. Researchers at the University of Occupational and Environmental Health in Japan found they both regulate autophagy, which is a process in the development of many neurodegenerative diseases including ALS. In other words, this supplement combo can help naturally modulate the type of inflammation involved in motor neuron degenerative diseases by giving powerful anti-inflammatory aid to the brain. We recommend using one of each on a daily basis. 7. Many cases of ALS are actually lyme induced and that goes for Parkinson's, MS and Alzheimer's as well. Because Lyme disease tests are highly inaccurate, often inconclusive or indicative of false negatives it’s important to see a “Lyme Literate MD (LLMD)” in order to get a correct diagnosis. 8. The field of epigenetics has transformed the way we understand biology and medicine. Science has now shown us that the human body is not just a biological machine but more of a vibrational energy force, governed by quantum physics, hence the success of the placebo effect. As a result, energetic medicine is starting to be recognized in the Allopathic community for its value in healing and even some hospitals are now allowing Reiki practitioners or Acupuncturists to work on patients in the hospital. Adding this into your regimen as well could be of major benefit. Links: 1. This video substantiates long standing survivors of ALS. 2. An additional resource of information. 3. Another good source of valuble information. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

