How Stem Cells Contribute to Aging and Age-Related Diseases with Rob Signer


What challenges does aging pose to both individuals and society at large? What causes aging at the cellular and molecular level? Stem cell research is be key to finding solutions that increase our healthspan and change how we think about aging. Robert A.J. Signer, Ph.D., shares what is on the horizon. [10/2022] [Show ID: 38215] Please Note: Knowledge about health and medicine is constantly evolving. This information may become out of date. More from: A Closer Look ( More from: Stem Cell Channel ( Explore More Health & Medicine on UCTV ( UCTV features the latest in health and medicine from University of California medical schools. Find the information you need on cancer, transplantation, obesity, disease and much more. UCTV is the broadcast and online media platform of the University of California, featuring programming from its ten campuses, three national labs and affiliated research institutions. UCTV explores a broad spectrum of subjects for a general audience, including science, health and medicine, public affairs, humanities, arts and music, business, education, and agriculture. Launched in January 2000, UCTV embraces the core missions of the University of California -- teaching, research, and public service – by providing quality, in-depth television far beyond the campus borders to inquisitive viewers around the world. ( 00:00 Introduction 02:39 Aging is an Emerging Global Public Health Issue 04:06 Aging is Fundamentally Changing the Economy 08:26 Stem Cell Superpowers: Self-Renewal & Multilineage Differentiation 10:03 Aging Causes Stem Cells to Malfunction Leading to Degenerative Diseases 11:17 Aging of Blood-Forming Stem Cells Leads to Blood & Immune Disorders 16:49 Reducing Protein Synthesis Alleviates Stress 20:44 HSF1: An Alarm System for Misfolded Proteins 21:54 Aging Stem Cells Sound the Stress Alarm 22:55 Aging Stem Cells Accumulate Aggregated Proteins 23:24 A Double-Edged Sword: HSF1 Also Protects Cancer Cells from Stress 24:23 Keeping Our Aging Stem Fells Fit Increases the Risk of Cancer 25:26 Limiting Misfolded Proteins to Keep Stem Cells Fit & Prevent Cancer 26:05 Strategy: Make Protein Synthesis Less Error-Prone 27:40 Keeping Stem Cells Fit to Extend Human Healthspan Aging is a primary risk factor for disease & death

